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Order Creator

Learn about Two's Order Creator, why it's perfect for online orders, and the advantages it brings to your business!

Invoices made by you ✌️

Thank you for choosing Two for your B2B transactions! We’re excited to be on this journey with you. Now let’s get those B2B sales up through the roof! Below, you’ll find all the information you need to get started with the Order Creator. To get started, log into the Two Portal here: Two Merchant Login.

Scroll through this page or click the links below to find more information about each section

Two Portal - General Overview

The Two portal consists of 6 tabs. On the left side of the portal you will find a menu with the following 6 tabs. Click on each toggle to show more information about the different sections of the Two Portal.


Our dashboard is the first page you see when logging into the Two Portal. Two’s dashboard gives you an overview on the following statistics:

  • Total Sales: This is the total sales your company has made across a chosen time period. Total sales will show you the following order states: Fulfilled, unfulfilled, confirmed, cancelled, refunded and partial refunded. You can find more information about order status in the Orders toggle below.
  • Average Order Value: This is the average order value of orders place with Two.
  • Order Count: The amount of orders placed with Two, including canceled orders and refunds.
  • Unique Buyers: The total amount of unique buyers who placed an order with Two.
  • Returning Buyers: The total amount of returning buyers. These are buyers who made two or more purchases with Two.
  • Verification Rate: The total amount of buyers who verified their identity to complete their purchase with Two. This is shown as a percentage.
  • Credit Approval: The total amount of buyers who were credit approved to make a purchase through Two. This is also shown as a percentage.

In Orders, you will find an overview of all orders placed with Two. For more information you can click on each individual order. Each of the orders will have one of the following statuses:

  • Confirmed: Confirmed means that the order has been confirmed by the buyer but not yet fulfilled. The order needs to be verified by the buyer for you to fulfil the order.
  • Pending: This means the order has been sent to the buyer and we are waiting for them to accept it.
  • Unverified: The buyer has made an attempt to place an order but has failed to verify their identity. The order has not been placed.
  • Verified: The buyer has both accepted and verified the sent order. The order is now ready to be fulfilled by you. The next step for you, the seller, is to fulfil the order. When the order is fulfilled the buyer will receive an invoice and you will get paid.
  • Fulfilled: The order is completed, the buyer should have received an invoice for their purchase and your payment is on its way.
  • Cancelled: The order has been cancelled, either by the buyer or you.
  • Refunded: A full refund has been made and the buyer should have received a kredit note generated by Two.
  • Partially Refunded: The order has been partially refunded. The buyer should have received a credit note with remaining payment amount.

In the Customers page, you have an overview of all customers who have made a purchase through Two, in addition to customers you have manually added.

  • You will find the following information under Customers:
    • Company Name: Company name of the buyer as found in *some UK registry?
    • Total Spend: How much the customer has purchased for through Two.
    • Order Count: How many orders the buyer has placed through Two.
    • Invoice Payment Terms: The buyers payment terms, how many days they get to pay the invoice in. We start counting down the days from the order is fulfilled.
      • You are able to adjust the invoice payment terms by clicking the gear sign on the right*.
      • The chosen invoice payment terms will become the standard amount of days for that individual buyer.
        • *If you change the invoice payment terms the transaction fee will also change. Look to your commercial agreement to see how the payment will change.
    • Add Customer: You can add new customers by clicking the add customer button on the top right when in the customers tab.
      • Click Add Customer
      • Look up the company you want to add through our search API.
      • Chose payment terms. This is how many days the buyer has to pay from the day that the order is fulfilled. How many days you choose will decide the transaction fees. Look to your commercial agreement to see how the payment will change.

In the Account page you will have an overview of your account information through 4 info boxes.

Trading as

General info about your company such as:

  • Name of your company, as registered in XYZ
  • Company address, as registered in XYZ
  • Website (if applicable)
  • Company number, as registered in XYZ
  • Country of origin of your company

Information shown on the invoice sent out by your company such as:

  • Email is shown on your invoice
  • Phone number shown on your invoice
  • Default invoice payment terms for all buyers
Payout details

Information about payouts

  • Account name: The name of the company we make the payout to
  • BIC number: BIC number of the bank we make the payout to
  • IBAN number: IBAN number of the bank we make the payout to
  • BBAN number: BBAN number of the bank we make the payout to
  • Payout plan: How often your company receives a payout
Account contact

The contact information Two will use to get in touch with you.

Developer tools

In the Developer tools page, you will find our various plugins that allow you to implement Two into the checkout on your website.

How to send an invoice & credit check 📧

Here is a guide on how to credit send an invoice to a buyer:

  • Go to Orders in the menu on the left side, and click Send Order in the upper right corner

Customer details:

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  • Company name: Type in the company name of your buyer. Our search API will find the correct company information. When you have found the correct company you will be informed of the remaining credit limit your buyer has with you, and the maximum value of the order that they can place.
  • First name;Last name: Enter the first and last name of the person placing the order on behalf of their company.
  • Phone number;Email: Enter the phone number and email of the person who will accept and verify the order.
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  • Item name: Fill in the item name of the product or service you are selling.
  • Unit price: Fill in the price of one unit of the product or service you are selling.
  • Quantity: Fill in the quantity of the product or service you are selling.
  • Tax rate: Make sure the product or service you are selling has the right amount of tax.
  • Discount: Enter the amount in pounds that you want to give your buyer in discount.
  • Total: Will show you the total price, VAT included, of that line item.

Order details:

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  • Order reference: Fill in an order reference for the buyers system.
  • Order notes: Fill in an order note if the you or the buyer has anything to add, for example delivery date.

Send order:

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  • When you are ready to send the order click Send order in top right corner.
    • The buyer will now receive the offer you just sent them in their e-mail, ready for them to accept and verify the order.
    • Go back to orders and sent orders to view the order you just sent. If you cannot see the order, try to refresh your browser and the order will be visible.
    • Once the buyer has both accepted and verified the order, you will now be able to see the order under the tab orders with an attached order status.
    • Once you are have completed the order or service and are ready to ship you need to fulfil the order. Once the order is fulfilled the buyer will receive their invoice, and you will be paid accordingly.

How do I refund an order?

Here we will guide you through how to make a refund:

  • Find the specific order you want to refund in the orders tab in the Two portal.
  • Click the red Refund button to start the process. Nothing will happen the first time you click the refund button, you will simply begin the process, and can cancel the refund at any time.
  • For a full refund, click the Full order refund button.
  • For a partial refund, enter the amount you are refunding into the Refund amount box.
  • For a partial refund you need to include the VAT on that refund. For example if you sell two units of a product that costs 50,- with VAT of 10%, the total price would come to 100,. ex VAT and 110,- inc VAT. If you refund 1 item, you would have to refund 55, which is the cost of one unit with 10% added VAT.
  • Finish the refund by clicking the red Refund button at the bottom. You will be asked to confirm you are sure you want to complete the refund.
  • Once the order is refunded, the buyer will receive a credit note.
    • If it is a partial refund and the buyer has not paid the original invoice, the buyer will automatically receive a credit note with the remaining amount they owe.
    • If it is a full refund and the buyer has not paid the original invoice, the buyer will automatically receive the credit note and have nothing to pay out.
    • If it is a partial refund, the buyer has paid the original invoice but you need to refund the buyer directly.
    • If it is a full refund, the buyer has paid the original invoice but you need to refund the buyer directly.


We pride ourselves on being able to offer your business customers the option of 'Buy Now, Pay Later' when purchasing your products. However, sometimes buyers don’t pay us back on time. Here is how we handle these scenarios.

In total - we send an unpaid buyer 4 emails and call the buyer on the 2nd dunning stage:

  1. Payment reminder email - 3 days before invoice due date.
  1. Overdue invoice email - 7 days after invoice due date. The buyer can no longer checkout with Two at this point.
  1. Overdue invoice email - 14 days after invoice due date. We mention late fees here but don't charge late fees. We also make a call to the stakeholder at this second dunning.
  1. Overdue invoice email - 28 days after invoice due date. We mention that we will send the debt to a collection agency if they do not pay promptly.

When an invoice is 30 days overdue, we will send the invoice to collection via one of our partner agencies. They will then follow up with the buyer following a standardised collection process.


  • You will receive statements regarding the orders and payouts. The statement will include the following information:
    • Report Settlement ID
    • Merchant Company Name
    • Report Settlement Date
    • Country Code

FAQS If you have any further questions, be sure to check out the FAQS section below. Simply click on the relevant question. If you still need help, contact us at


The buyer did not receive an email with the order, what do I do?
  • Please check the following before contacting Two Support:
    • Has the buyer checked their spam folder? Sometimes the email might go the spam folder.
    • Has the buyer search for either “Two” or the name of your company in their email inbox. Sometimes the buyer receives many emails from the time you send them the order to when they are ready to confirm it and just does not see it straight away.
    • Did you send the order to a generic email address, example Sometimes emails to these sorts of addresses will go to the spam folder. When possible, use the email of the person placing the order, for example
    • If none of the three tips above work, you most likely need to place the order again.
    • If unsure about the process, please email us at
I can’t see the order I just sent, where is it?
  • Don’t worry! You just need to refresh your browser and then you will see your order in sent orders.
Nothing happens when the buyer tries to accept the order they received

Typically this happens because the buyers browser has a pop-up blocker or a fire wall. Please have the buyer disable it for this order only. If this does not work, contact

Do I make a refund with or without VAT?

Refunds are done including VAT.

I am not happy with the credit you provide my buyer, can we change the amount?

As Two carries the risk, we decide the credit based on many factors. Generally we do not make changes to credit as this can causer higher risk for us.

Contact us✌️

Need help with your Two portal? Contact us at✌️

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