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Are you a seller looking for information about settlements? Learn how to navigate the Settlements page and what information is stored here.


The Settlement Report page shows you all of your customer orders made with Two. To access this page, click Settlements on the left hand menu.

Notion image

Once you access this tab, you can download a Settlement report. You must select a date range. This will then give you the option to download in Excel or CSV format. A walkthrough video of this flow can be found below.

The downloaded report contains various details around customer orders, such as Merchant Name, Fulfilment Details, Financing Source, Payment Terms and Order Value. A list of specific fields for the Settlement Report is provided below: Report - Field List Please see below for a list of fields within the reports for each region respectively.

UK and Sweden

The report contains the following fields: Merchant Name, Merchant Vendor Name, Merchant Vendor ID, Merchant Order ID, Merchant Reference, Merchant Payout Account Alias, Event Type, Document Number, Date Fulfilled, Due in Days, Currency, Country Code, Tax, Net Order Amount, Gross Settlement, Total Fee, Fixed Fee, Variable Fee, Net Settlement Amount, Settlement Date, Settlement Type, Funding Provider, Manual Adjustment Comment, Payment Reference, Two UUID, Two Order ID, Two Refund ID, Two Transaction Type


FAQS If you have any further questions, be sure to check out the FAQS section below. Simply click on the relevant question. If you still need help, contact us at


I need the file in a different format, is this possible?

For now we only support .csv and .xlsx formats.

One or more orders are missing from the file. Why?

If an order is missing from the file, this can mean several things. Either the order hasn’t gone through (unverified or cancelled before it was fulfilled, thus has no impact on the payout), or it was processed after the cutoff date. This, by default, is Sunday at 23:59 for both UK and Sweden.

Will I have to wait until the customer pays the invoice before I get my settlement?

No. We deliver quick settlements on a regular basis regardless of when the buyer pays their invoice. Most merchants prefer a weekly payout.

If my buyer doesn’t pay on time, will I not get paid or will Two subtract the amount from my settlement?

Two will still pay out the amount for the order and send invoice reminders to the buyer. If the invoice isn’t paid after 30 days, Two will send the invoice to a collections agency. If an invoice isn’t paid before the due date, the buyer will not be able to check out again using Two until any previous debt has been paid off.

I need a statement for a specific buyer, how do I find this?

This is currently not available in the Portal. Please reach out to and we can help you create a statement of the buyer account.

Can you send my accountant the settlement report

Explain how the seller can self-serve sharing settlement reports with accountants

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